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worker behind the machine

safety control

When the level of safety increases, it reduces the risk of industrial accidents and equipment damage, which saves money on compensation for damage.

When a worker approaches the machine, deep learning algorithms help to recognize whether a person put on personal protective equipment. If not, a notification from the application will inform the worker to put on, for example, a helmet or hearing protectors when working with the machine. Automated control is more reliable than hiring a person responsible for monitoring compliance with safety protocols.

introducing PPE Monitoring

with Safety Control Video Analytics
Ensure compliance with your PPE program through automated monitoring with Safety Control. With its advanced technology, Safety Control can identify whether workers are wearing the required PPE in specific areas of your facility, including hard hats, earmuffs, gloves, etc.
Receive real-time notifications and alerts to stay informed of PPE violations.
Automated PPE detection provides comprehensive 24/7 compliance data for analysis and reporting.
Video confirmation captures each violation for future review.
Utilize pre-built safety analytics reports to identify compliance trends and hotspots for additional training or research.
Optional privacy mode anonymizes workers' faces to protect their privacy and encourage a collaborative approach to compliance.

Business impact calculator for HSE

Calculate the benefits of implementing 5S Control for your business by lowering incidents
payments and supervision costs.

1. Total number of workers tracked: 10

The effectiveness of 5S Control is closely related to consistent and comprehensive video monitoring of employee activity. The 1st stage is usually initiated in a limited area before scaling to the entire premises.

2. Average annual compensation
of workers: $10.000

Average Gross Annual Salary & Average Annual Financial Benefits.

3. Average number of sick leave days

4. Number of working days(per year)

5. Risk factor




Advantages Realized from 5S Control Implementation


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