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Maximizing effectiveness of analytics

The effectiveness of implementing AI technologies should be evaluated at each specific facility in particular. If the quality of analytics does not match the predicted level, the reason may not have roots in software, but in external factors, such as camera specifications, lighting, camera position. 

To ensure that video recording is appropriate for quality analytics operators should take care of the following important factors:

- high camera resolution 

- high camera photosensitivity

- illumination at night

- redirection of the camera to the desired angle

- uninterrupted communication with the system.

Before deployment of a software suit, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment. In order for the video analytics to work properly, the camera must be positioned in such a way that the surveillance area is viewed completely and unhindered.

Modern video cameras are often equipped with IR illumination, thanks to which they keep running analytics in complete darkness. This feature allows you to place cameras in hard-to-reach places and eliminates the need to install additional lighting.

The trend of implementation of Computer Vision into production for analytics and process control insistently inspires the benefits of the above-mentioned solution. However, the media exaggerates the power of AI, the result does not become visible immediately and takes time. However, it really helps to uncover bottlenecks and triggers improvement of existing problems.

04 January 2023
Undergraduate in manufacturing management
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