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Total productive maintenance

Reliable equipment forms the bases of stability

The key factor that allows manufacturing to sustain its growth is reliability of the equipment. In order to prolong service life, a preventive series of steps should be done. Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a philosophy that determines daily practices for keeping order at the workplace, especially outlines careful equipment maintenance.

Despite the frequent losses of tools, damaging equipment, the problem does not find a solution in many production sites. That happens due to the lack of control. Needless to say that managers pay much attention to regulate this issue, but only exerting influence to draw operators in maintaining their own equipment is not enough.

production worker

TPM advantage over just giving orders

TPM gives a leg up on other management approaches. It benefits from the advancement of network technologies to achieve compliance with instructions for the appropriate usage of equipment. For instance, a 20-year-old new recruit comes and tries to start working with a machine. It takes time to get acquainted with how it works, and he can approach a senior operator for help. But it takes time and distracts the senior worker.

Beneath Total Productive Maintenance lie diverse tech solutions. Hard to believe, but even App store apps are among them! There are specific applications available on the play store that you can download even to your mobile phone, turn on the camera, and install it in the workshop. Now, when the worker approaches the machine, AI technology recognizes the presence of a person next to the machine and remembers the sequence of actions to operate with it.

Even experienced workers, who familiar with how the machine works, is prone to forget one step - human condition - and disaster!

Theory of TPM in use with 5S Control

We, in 5S Control, adhere to modern ways to organize a workspace and develop necessary software for it. We want it to be affordable for any enterprise to boost their efficiency, so that our mobile apps are FREE to install. They allow to set a sequence of actions before starting using an equipment and decrease the possibility of human error. One simple step that is easy to do and see results.

link to google play

23 December 2022
Undergraduate in manufacturing management
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